Join NOW at ₦25,000… before the prices shoot up to ₦80,500:

Here's How to Make Payment

Option 1 - Pay Via ATM or Bank Account

This Option is the FASTEST because it Gives you INSTANT ACCESS to the Video Guide even at Midnight…

All you need is an ATM card (Visa, Mastercard and Verve) and you will be able to pay through Fluttwerwave, the most popular Online payment processing company in Nigeria.

Click HERE OR Click on the red button below and you will be taken to a Fluttwerwave Secure page where you can buy through your ATM CARD.

If your card details are correct and you have enough money in your bank account, you will be charged same amount and after the payment, you will be redirected to the Download Page where you can INSTANTLY Get the Training Manual with no delay. A copy will also be sent to your Email


If you Don’t have an ATM Card Flutterwave Now Allows You to Pay Directly Through Your Bank Account Using The Registered Phone No…

If You Want To Use this Payment Option, After you click the button below, Choose the Video Guide You Want To Pay For and it will redirect to a secure payment page where you will Fill in your details, Click ‘Make Payment’ and Select ‘Bank’,

IF YOUR BANK IS ON THE LIST OF BANK THAT accepts THIS METHOD, You will be asked for your Account Number. Once the Payment is successful, you’ll be automatically redirected to where you can INSTANTLY Get the Training Manual.

SECURED ATM Card Payment

Works Anytime, Even At 12 Midnight. Secure Order Form – 100% Protected Safe & CBN Approved.

Option 2 - Pay Via Bank Transfer / Cash Deposit

This method can also be used at anytime even at midnight… Pay through Mobile Transfer, Cash Deposit, ATM Transfer, Internet Banking, Paga, Quick Teller or any other means of Fund Transfer Into Any of the 2 Account Below:

Account One

PAY ₦25,000 INTO:

Bank: Sterling Bank PLC

Account Name: Yusuf Babatunde FLW

Account Number: 8223298494

After payment, email: [email protected]

Account Two

PAY ₦25,000 INTO:

Bank: Wema Bank PLC

Account Name: Flutterwave/Yusuf Babatunde

Account Number: 7352031695

After payment, email: [email protected]

Once your payment is confirmed, you will get a message from
Yusuf, this message will include the link to the page where you can download The Explode Your Sales while confirmation will also be sent to your email so that
you can redownload anytime you want.

What Type of Device can I Use to Access the Package?

You can access this training Pack with any Smartphone (Android, Windows or IOS)
You can also access it with any computer.

It Does not matter what your phone type… As long as the phone can access Facebook, it will be able to access the Program. Simple!

Can I Pay At the Weekend or on Public Holiday?

Yes!… You can always Pay with your ATM or Bank Account Number through Flutterwave (Click HERE)

or You can also Pay Via Transfer Options (Mobile, ATM Transfer, Paga, Quicktellet etc.)

If I Order Now for the Explode Your Sales Program, How Do I Get it?

Once your payment is verified, you will be sent the link to the Program You Paid For, while copies will also be sent to your email so that you can keep downloading.

What Happens If I Order After the Current Discount Offer?

Once the Current Discount offer expires, the Program Will Not Be Available At This Price ever again. – Copyright© 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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